"Es geht um die Anpassung des Individuums an die vorherrschende Normalität"
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We strike back
Text: Paul Verhaeghe
Translated from Dutch: O.P.Roerkraeyer
On the evening of the National Strike Paul Verhaeghe, professor in psychotherapy, gave a lecture at Vooruit, the art center in Ghent. Verhaeghe asks poignant questions on the poison that is neoliberalism. How should we react? What are the alternatives? How can we make everything right again? And should we engage in austerity measures in order to support neoliberalism or, on the contrary, to act against it?
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Evil is part of the system, A2, 2016
With Paul Verhaeghe about self-discipline, sense of happiness and guilt
This is the English version of an interview that was translated and published in Czech, see:
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New York, Das Onbehagen, 06/05/2016
On the new discontents of civilization.
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Jean Monnet Conference 2015: "A Union of shared values – the role of education and civil society" 09/11/2015
Higher education in times of neoliberalism
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OKHO 04/03/2015
"Потрага по идентитет во услови на неолиберализам (Разговор со Пол Ферхеге)", Macedonian for "The search for identity in a neoliberal world / Discussion with Paul Verhaeghe".
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Psychology Today 18/02/2015
Neoliberalism Viewed From the Couch
Insights about economics gathered from a psychoanalyst’s couch
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The Guardian 09/2014
Neoliberalism has brought out the worst in us
An economic system that rewards psychopathic personality traits has changed our ethics and our personalities
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Ghent, We strike back, 2012
We do have to act, no doubt about it. However some questions prove harder to answer. In what way should we react? And react against who or what? Having questions like these means there’s a problem.
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Psychoanalysis in Times of Science, interview with D. Hoens, 2012
My first question concerns you in your capacity as Chair of the Psychoanalysis Department at Ghent University. This Department is rather exceptional because it falls under the Faculty of Psychology, which is uncommon...
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Dublin, EISTEACH, A combination that has to fail: new patients, old therapists, 2008
About 30 years ago I saw my first patient. My classic education and training meant that the following clinical characteristics were to be expected: a patient would have symptoms that can be interpreted; these symptoms are meaningful constructions, although the patient is unaware of this meaning...
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Dublin, “Chronicle of a death foretold”: the end of psychotherapy, 2007
About 40 years ago, the anti-psychiatry movement denounced the labelling and stigmatizing effect of so-called diagnoses and the abuse of medication and electro-shock therapy. Thomas Szasz published his book on the myth of mental illness and demonstrated...
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